The best time to run your pool pump is really dependent on what you are trying to accomplish.
If you want to save money and run your pool pump at the time of day when it is more efficient, run your pool pump during off-peak hours. This time varies; give your power company a call, but it’s often in the evening or at night.
The time of day that is best for your pool is during the day, during the hottest part of the day. It is recommended that your pool pump run for 1 hour for every 10 degrees of the temperature at a minimum. For example, on a 90-degree day, you would need to run your pump for 9 hours. During the daylight hours, your pool is at the most risk for things to grow. Running your pool pump at night is great for your electric bill, but unless you are doing a major chemical treatment and you really want to run your pump during the day. The warmth of the sun is what causes things to grow, so cycling your pool pump will keep the water moving and keep it clean so nothing has the opportunity to settle and grow.
Posted in pool pumps