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Do you need to close your pool for winter in Arizona?

BY: Dem 850 COMMENTS CATEGORY: Uncategorized

Arizona does have very mild winters so you may be thinking about whether or not you have to close your pool in the winter. Many people choose to leave their pool open in the winter just based on the fact they don’t have to close it.

Since it doesn’t get very cold in most parts of Arizona closing your pool isn’t an absolute must, but there are some things you need to think about before you choose not to close it. The weather still cools off enough where no one is going to be swimming, or at least very frequently, so why leave it open at all? The benefits of closing your pool may outweigh the benefits of leaving it open. If you close it you don’t have to worry about cleaning it, because it’s covered, and nothing is going to fall into it to need to be cleaned out. It’s also a piece of mind thing. Close it up, lock it up tight, and don’t worry about it until the spring. Whatever you decide, we are here to help.

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