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Can you leave your above ground pool up in the winter?

BY: Dem 850 COMMENTS CATEGORY: Uncategorized

Above-ground pools are an easy, affordable way to cool off during the summer, but what do you do with above-ground pools in the winter? Can your above-ground pool stay up in the wintertime? The easy answer is yes, but it does depend on what kind of pool you have. Some are easier to take down than others, so it would be your choice if it is worth the hassle. On the other hand, some above-ground pools are so easy to take down and put back up that it is almost pointless to leave them up and maintain them in the winter when you don’t have to.

Ring pools, pools that have an inflatable ring around the tip to keep them upright, are often small and very easy to take down. They also use a lot less water, so refilling them in the spring/summer won’t take a huge toll on your water bill.

Frame pools are often larger and have a frame that needs to be taken apart piece by piece, which can be time-consuming. Due to larger frame poles, it takes more water to refill them in the spring/summer, and storing them in the winter takes up much more space.

When caring for your above-ground pool in the winter, the best thing to do for your pool is to drain it down about 6 inches below the skimmer. This will ensure that you have enough room for the water to expand if it freezes without damaging the pool. It is not advised to drain the pool completely and leave it in the elements. Wind and cold dry air can do a lot of damage to an empty pool left in the elements. If you take it down, pack it away, if you leave it up, keep water in it.

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